and related malignancies

6th edition - Hybrid

In the last 15 to 20 years remarkable advancements in the understanding of the pathophysiology of multiple myeloma and related malignancies have paved the way to the identification and the subsequent adoption of new effective and safe therapies. Thus, following the 5th edition which was held on November 5-7th, 2020, the time has come for a thorough biological and clinical update. Like in the previous editions, our aim is to provide hematologists, oncologists, internists, radiologists,and other medical specialists as well as young researchers, residents, doctoral and undergraduate students with an invaluable opportunity to deepen and update their knowledge on the already acquired and emerging developments in the biology and management of multiple myeloma and related malignancies. A number of internationally renowned speakers have been invited to deliver stateof-the-art lectures on cutting edge topics. These will include genetic and epigenetic features of myeloma biology, molecular and biological mechanisms of disease progression, new prognostic markers and novel approaches to assess the response to therapy, new single or combined therapeutic molecules specifically targeting tumor cells and/or their microenvironment. Autologous and allogeneic stem cell transplantation, bispecific monoclonal antibodies, and CAR-T cells will also be the object of intensive scrutiny. Finally, supportive therapy, emerging toxicity, and infectious complications will be discussed in their many facets. We are confident that at the end of the meeting all of us will be enriched with fresh stimuli and renewed enthusiasm, with the deep awareness that the enduring challenges posed by multiple myeloma and cognate tumors may now be approached with more rational and more effective achievements.Presidents prof. Angelo Vacca e prof. Roberto Ria.

DATA E ORA INIZIO: 03/11/2022 13:30


LUOGO: Villa Romanazzi Carducci

INDIRIZZO: viale Capruzzi, 326

ORGANIZZATORE: Università di Bari

DURATA: 3 giorni

CREDITI: Ecm 9,8

INFO: Sito web

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